Contacting former acquaintances
If you ever wonder what became of Jones Minor that you sat next to in 1988, fear not - help is at hand! Old Alfredians willing to be contacted can have their (brief!) details listed below. Members wishing to contact any of the listed members can email their own contact details in; they will be forwarded to the listed member. Are any of your old school chums in the box below?
Contactable Old Alfredians
Bennet, Nigel 1973-78
Chapman, Paul 1970-77?
Edgington, Andrew ?
Farrell, Andrew ?
Foxon, Jeremy
Haddrell, Michael 1969-76
Haynes, John 1936-41
Lavender, Steve
? -76
McGeown, Peter 1969-74
Mercer, Nick 1966-73
Pearce, Tom (Shorty)1958-66 Head Boy 1966
Prentice, Jonathon 1975-82
Ross, David 1968-71
Sillence, Roger ?
Snowdon, Andrew 1964-71
Stewart, Brian 1967-72
Taylor, Richard ?
Trinder, Steve 1971-78
Walker, Simon G 1971-78
Williams, Desmond 1957-65


Contacting members
If you're already a member of the Old Alfredians, you can request contact details for any of the listed Contactable Old Alfredians using the email link below.
Or just send in your details if you wish to be added to the Contactable list; please include your full name, the years you attended, your email address and whether you were a pupil, teacher or A N Other capacity.
info@oldalfredians.net |